Monday, February 24, 2014

Study Year and Summer Vacation

During  the year students are under a lot of stress; they have to learn, to take exams and most of them need to work. Don’t forget that after all these things the students have home duties and family issues.

Do students have enough time to enjoy and rest throughout the academic year? I don’t think so! that is the reason they have the summer vacation. As a student, I decided to interview my friends from college, and to find out what they thought about the academic year and their summer vacation. There was a variety of answers from the different students: first year and second year.

I started with first year students. When I asked them what they thought about the academic year and what they have been learning during it, most of them answered that the first year is challenging and is  developing their thinking skills; they think out of the box, and about how to be good teachers in the future.

"Since I began my first academic year at David Yellin College I have been taught new terms, met new friends and my passion for education has grown," said B.

When the students were asked what they thought about the coming summer vacation, all of them answered that they were looking forward to it, but when they were asked about their summer plans they answered differently. Some of them said that they are planning to travel and to visit another country such as Thailand, India or the U.S.A., and some of them said that they are planning to work very hard because they want to earn money.

"The year was very hard, and I think that I deserve to enjoy and to rest during my vacation," said A.

"During this year I didn’t work, so I can't afford to rest in the summer, I have to make money," said Y.  
When I finished interviewing the first year students I   continued to the second year. I started from the second question: what they think about the summer vacation. From my experience as a second year student, I knew that it will be better if I start interviewing them in the opposite way from the first year students. Most of them answered that they are planning to work a lot, and just a few of them are planning to travel somewhere.

"Last summer vacation I went to Paris, but  this summer I can't afford to travel, I have to work," said B .

When I asked about the academic year their  answers were all similar; the second academic year is definitely very hard, challenging and stressful.

"There is a big difference between the first year and the second year. In the second year there are many requirements, many study days and assignments, a lot more than the first year," said Y.

After finishing all the interviews, I concluded that although it is very hard to be a student, it is fulfilling. You have to learn during the whole year without rest. if you have luck, you will not have to work during the year, or in your summer vacation.