Difficulties that Arab students face with learning the English Learning the English language is an essential tool use by nearly Nations all on the planet to gain access to the latest scientific that is important for research developing countries, as well as much of useful human knowledge. It is also a way to communicate economically, politically and socially and in all areas with all peoples of the world. Arab students face serious difficulties in English. First of these challenges comes from the fact that both languages belong to different families. Arab is considered a Semitic language while English is of an Indian – European origin. It follows that many terms in the Arabic script are different from that of the Latin , Arab is write from right to left while the English written from left to right. We find that some of the letters do not exist in Arabic, such as V, P and others. The Arab who wants to learn English faces hardship in the mastery of uttering certain characters as pronounced differently by the characters that followed, such as the letter C which is pronounces (س) when followed by the following characters (E,I,or Y) and uttered (ك) before most of the letters of the alphabet English except for (h) where it sounds like (TSH). Most startling for Arab students who are used to pronouncing every letters is to find that some English words contain letters that are not pronounced at all like the letter k in the word (know) and (P) in a word (Psychology). Here English teachers should give their students a historical overview of the evolution of the English language and how some of the characters remained written even if not pronounced, when writing the Bible in Britain more than 500 years ago. The wording of the verb and the noun and tense in English are different from those used by the Arab students in their native language. Arab students often base the grammar in English on the rules particular to their native language, and build their words and sentences accordantly this causes great difficulty to learn the target language. English does not distinguish between male and female in most tenses, such as (you) and (they). English phrases first used the adjective unlike Arabic, for example the translation of (great man) is (man is great) in Arabic. The most important proposals to overcome the difficulties faced by the student Arab students of the English language are: 1 . Start teaching English to students at an early age 6 years or before, and it is crucial to use a curriculum that contains interesting and enjoyable activities. 2 . Urge the students to speak only English and don't allow the use of any other language in the classroom. 3 . Use texts from poetry and short stories in simple English to enrich the vocabulary of Arab students to help them communicate in English. 4 . Use the Internet and private video chat windows to develop the skills of listening and speaking English with native speakers. 5 . Encourage students to express their feelings and their ambitions and aspirations in English, making them able to clarify their positions, their opinions and beliefs. In conclusion, I say that teaching English to our children does not and will not affect the learning of the Arabic language but it will help in the advancement and progress of our nation scientifically, politically and culturally. This was done by Europeans 600 years ago when they learned Arabic in order to transfer the products of Arab-Islamic and the Middle-East to western culture civilization in Andalusia.
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